Renew Medical Clinic Personalized BHRT Protocol
The Renew Medical Clinic follows strict standardized protocols developed from extensive experience in age management medicine. While each case requires a unique approach, the general process is as follows:
Initial Consultation
The patient first meets with one of our bioidentical hormone doctors for 1-2 hours for a detailed history, exam, body composition analysis, and lab review. Any supplement regimens, health concerns, or medications being taken are noted.
The necessary hormonal testing described above is then completed by the patient at one of our lab partners conveniently close to home. Follow-up appointments to go over results are scheduled once complete.
Interpretation Session
The practitioner meticulously reviews lab testing hormone by hormone, explaining imbalances. An integrative plan is then outlined, addressing necessary lifestyle changes alongside bioidentical hormone preparations customized to the patient's deficiencies and symptoms.
Hormone Restoration
Bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, etc., are prescribed typically starting at conservative doses. Convenient weekly to monthly monitoring appointments allow the Renew Medical Clinic doctor to precisely regulate dosing for ideal restoration of balance. Patients are taught proper at-home use of transdermal creams, oral tablets, pellets, or injections based on what is most suitable for their plan.
Follow Up Testing
Hormone levels are rechecked at specific intervals such as 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. Testing may be needed more or less frequently depending on individual characteristics and response to therapy. The practitioner interprets follow-up results, making any necessary adjustments to dosing or medications.
Maintenance Phase
Once optimal hormonal balance is achieved based on lab work and symptom resolution, maintenance therapy continues with doctor oversight for up to 1-2 years if indicated. Continued monitoring, healthy lifestyle reinforcement, and targeted nutraceuticals keep the patient thriving long-term.
Renew Medical Clinic meticulously troubleshoots hormone optimization for men and women using science-based precision paired with genuine care for the patient's best interest and wellbeing. Dramatic reduction of deficiency symptoms and vitality restoration are the hallmarks of our expert BHRT process.